Since the late 1970's, The Rocky Horror Picture Show has been synonymous with the midnight movie experience. Over the years, Rocky Horror's popularity has been fueled by the Passion and enthusiasm of its devoted fan base, many of whom perform live in front of the film each and every weekend. An intrepid group of these die-hard fans, The Home of Happiness, has decided to produce a documentary, which they hope will show just how important this campy rock musical has been to their lives, and the lives of many others all over the world.
Rocky Horror Saved My Life is a documentary that will explore the almost 40-year history of this quintessential cult film. The producers, long-time RHPS veterans Shawn Stutler and Larry Viezel, are currently seeking funds on Kickstarter to turn their dreams into reality. Their goal is to raise $250,000, which they will use to travel the country (and possibly even the globe), to interview the fans, collectors, and performers whose lives have been forever changed by this low-budget midnight miracle. The Kickstarter campaign ends on October 31st, and while they already have met their $50,000 funding goal, that is only part of their budget. They are trying to achieve some stretch goals in order to make the film even better.
"What will make this documentary so different from any other Rocky Horror piece," says Producer/Director Shawn Stutler, "is that instead of focusing on the people who made the film, we will focus on the people who have kept that film alive for nearly 40 years. Rocky Horror has touched the lives of its fans in some very profound and diverse ways, and we'd like the chance to share those stories with the world."
The Home of Happiness has delighted audiences across the country with their interactive presentations of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and they are quite eager to take their love for Rocky Horror to the next level with this documentary. Widely regarded as one of the most respected troupes in the world, The Home of Happiness is known for its level of professionalism, its production value, and its ability to present Rocky Horror in new and exciting ways. The cast has performed in a number of different venues over the years, including movie theatres, clubs, concert halls, and outdoor amphitheaters. Their audiences have ranged from intimate private parties, to crowds of nearly 4,000 screaming fans. At each and every performance, The Home of Happiness uses their 200+ years of collective Rocky Horror experience to give their audience a show that they won't soon forget.