It was announced Tuesday that Kevin Carvell ("A Dog Named Gucci") is attached as an executive producer on the upcoming Buster Keaton feature-length documentary "To Be Funny" from director Jess Roseboom.
"I'm excited to be a part of this wonderful project honoring the life and work of one of my comedy favorites, Buster Keaton... one of the original kings of cinematic comedy," said Carvell. "I hope fans will join us on Kickstarter and support this project and its talented filmmakers to help bring this film to fruition. After all, the film is as much about the fans as it is the man himself." While there are already a number of wonderful documentaries about Keaton. The filmmakers are approaching this one in a non-traditional way. Keaton's story will be told by the fans they encounter along their travels. The fans they're speaking with are somehow making it a part of their life's work to ensure his appearance in film has cinematic permanence. They are silent film accompanists, historians, and advocates for preservation. While Keaton is the reason for the documentary, the fans are the documentary. Their voices will be showcased. They will help explain why Keaton is still relevant in the modern age.Videos