The short film Juliette Fairley's Mulatto's Dilemma (JFMD) premiered this weekend at the New York International Film Festival in Los Angeles. The highly acclaimed 10-minute movie screened in the Mary Pickford room of Raleigh Studios on Melrose Avenue to a full house on Saturday night September 15.
"It is rewarding to sit in the audience and experience the viewer's response to my work," said Fairley who wore two different sequined dresses on opening night at Confidential Lounge in Beverly Hills as well as at the screening three days later.What started as a solo show that Fairley performed alone off-Broadway two years ago at the Roy Arias Theater in New York and the Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks has quickly gained significance on the film festival circuit due to the television syndication of the prequel Mulatto Saga.JFMD is the sequel to the 7-minute short Mulatto Saga, which is currently airing on network affiliates and cable stations across the country, including KCAL –TV in Los Angeles and CBS in New York.Photo Credit: Phred Mosby