According to ETonline, Universal Pictures has confirmed that actor Josh Gad will co-write the upcoming sequel to the 1980's comedy 'Twins.' The film, to be titled TRIPLETS, will see the return of original stars Eddie Murphy, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito.
The 1988 film saw body-building champion Schwarzenegger meet up with his unlikely twin brother, the portly Devito. In the sequel, Murphy will join the trio as a previously undiscovered sibling.
Gad is busy putting the finishing touches on his upcoming NBC comedy 1600 Penn which he both scripts and stars in. The series follows a typical American family who just happen to live in the White House. The cast includes Bill Pullman ("Independence Day") and Jenna Elfman ("Dharma and Greg") and will premiere on NBC on Thursday, January 10 (9:30-10 p.m. ET).
Gad, who's appeared on Broadway in THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE, received a 2011 Tony nomination for his role of 'Elder Cunningham' in THE BOOK OF MORMON