Josh Charles (The Good Wife) is set to star as Matt Logan (joining co-star Hilary Swank), a NASA engineer whose wife is commanding the first mission to Mars. He faces the already enormous challenges of dealing with the mission from home, while trying to raise their teenage daughter on his own, but when he goes through a life-altering experience in the first episode he will understand the true cost of what it means to be away from each other.
Away centers on Emma Logan, an American astronaut who must leave her husband and teenage daughter behind to command an international space crew embarking upon a treacherous mission. It is a series about hope, humanity and how we need one another if we are to achieve impossible things.
The series is loosely inspired by the Chris Jones article from ESQUIRE, which documented renowned astronaut Scott Kelly's mission to space.
Jessica Goldberg (The Path) serves as showrunner, writer, and executive producer.
Ed Zwick (Nashville, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, The Last Samurai) will direct the first episode and serves as an executive producer. Andrew Hinderaker wrote the first episode and serves as an executive producer. He is the creator of the series.
Jason Katims (Friday Night Lights, Parenthood) serves as writer and executive producer.
Executive producers include Matt Reeves (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Cloverfield, Felicity), Adam Kassan, Michelle Lee (episode 101 only), Jeni Mulein (for episodes 102-110).