In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, CRIMINAL MINDS showrunner Erica Messer confirmed reports that actress Jennifer Love Hewitt will exit the crime drama after only one season. The actress joined the cast during the series' 10th season, portraying Kate Callahan, a "seasoned undercover agent whose stellar work at the FBI has landed her a coveted position with the Behavioral Analysis Unit."
In last night's finale, Hewitt's character handed in her resignation following a near-tragedy with her niece, explaining that she needed to take some time off to concentrate on her unborn child.
Messer tells EW that Callahan's decision mirrored Hewitt's own choice to leave the show to focus on her real-life second pregnancy. "There was an opportunity there to write towards the truth," explained Messer "Jennifer wanted to be able to give this second baby everything she gave her first, and that's taking time off to be a full-time mom."
She also shared that the door will be left "definitely open" for a possible return of Hewitt's character.
For five seasons, Hewitt starred as Melinda Gordon in "Ghost Whisperer," on the Network. Her additional television credits include the series "The Client List," based on the television movie of the same name, which she executive produced and received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress in a Movie or Miniseries Made for Television, "The Lost Valentine," opposite Betty White, the title role in "The Audrey Hepburn Story," based on the life of the Academy Award-winning actress, and "Party of Five."Videos