According to, Jennifer Garner will star in Disney's upcoming film adaptation of Agatha Christie's 'Miss Marple' series. The movie will be produced by Garner and Vandalia Films' Juliana Janes. In the new new Disney version of the classic character, Marple will be a 30-40 year old instead of an old spinster.
Garner made her Broadway debut on November 1, 2007, playing Roxanne in Cyrano de Bergerac alongside Kevin Kline at the Richard Rodgers Theatre on Broadway. The show was originally set to run until December 23, 2007, but it was extended through January 6, 2008 due to the Broadway stagehand strike in late 2007.
Garner gained recognition on television for her performance as CIA agent Sydney Bristow in the thriller drama series Alias, which aired on ABC for five seasons from 2001 to 2006. While working on Alias, she gained minor roles in hit movies such as Pearl Harbor (2001) and Catch Me if You Can (2002). Since then, Garner has appeared in supporting as well as lead roles on the big screen in projects including Daredevil (2003), 13 Going on 30 (2004) and Juno (2007). She is married to actor and director Ben Affleck, with whom she has two daughters.
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Photo Credit: Walter McBride/WM Photos