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Jamie Dornan, Jemima Kirke, Ben Mendelsohn and Lola Kirke in UNTOGETHER, Coming To Theaters & Digital Platforms 2/8

By: Dec. 03, 2018
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Jamie Dornan, Jemima Kirke, Ben Mendelsohn and Lola Kirke in UNTOGETHER, Coming To Theaters & Digital Platforms 2/8  Image

Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios, has acquired the North American rights to Emma Forrest's directorial debut UNTOGETHER. Following its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in April, and starring Jamie Dornan (50 SHADES OF GREY), Jemima Kirke (HBO's "Girls"), Ben Mendelsohn (ROGUE ONE, Netflix's "Bloodline"), Lola Kirke (Amazon's "Mozart in the Jungle"), and Billy Crystal (WHEN HARRY MET SALLY), the film will hit select theaters nationwide February 8, 2019 along with all digital platforms.

"All of us at Freestyle are delighted to have acquired UNTOGETHER for a February 8th day and date release," said Bill Vergos, VP of Operations for Freestyle Digital Media. "UNTOGETHER was one of the hottest titles at Tribeca this year, and we know audiences will greatly appreciate its delicate blend of humor and dramatic impact."

UNTOGETHER is the story of Nick (Dornan) and Andrea (Jemima Kirke) whose one nightstand evolves into something more, though the exact parameters are blurry and undefined. He is a doctor and author whose heroics in the Middle East gained him international fame. She is a writing prodigy fully consumed with destructive vices, navigating Los Angeles without a driver's license or credit card and sharing a home with her sister Tara. Meanwhile, Tara (Lola Kirke) is dealing with relationship issues of her own as she slowly slips away from her boyfriend Martin (Mendelsohn), who gave up his Australian fame as a rock 'n' roll god to be with her. Her way of acting out is to lose herself in religion and seek solace in a charismatic Rabbi (Crystal). This is who they've all been so far but do they have the courage to find out who they really are?

The film also features Jennifer Grey, Alice Eve and Scott Caan in exceptional supporting performances.

"I'm so glad it's opening February 8th, because I like to think of UNTOGETHER as a subversive Valentine's Day film. Whether they are falling into or out of love, determined to simply having a fling or convinced their feelings are so transcendent as to be spiritual, my actors - Jemima and Lola Kirke, Jamie Dornan, Ben Mendelsohn and Billy Crystal - brilliantly depict the difficulties of relationships from first flame to last ember," said writer/director Emma Forrest.

The dramedy marks the feature debut of first time director and bestselling author Emma Forrest who also penned the script. The feature was executive produced by Scott Adler, Alex Cutler, Vijay Amritraj, and Prakash Amirtraj and produced by Luke Daniels, Brandon K. Hogan, and Scott LaStaiti. Production companies are Redwire Pictures, Sterling Road Films, Culminant Media and Casadelic Pictures.

The deal was negotiated by Rachel Koehler of Freestyle Digital Media. UNTOGETHER official web page:

UNTOGETHER on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: @UntogetherFilm?


About Entertainment Studios/Freestyle Digital Media?
Chairman and CEO Byron Allen founded Entertainment Studios in 1993. Headquartered in Los Angeles, it has offices in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, and Raleigh. Entertainment Studios owns eight 24-hour HD cable television networks serving nearly 160 million subscribers: THE WEATHER CHANNEL, PETS.TV, COMEDY.TV, RECIPE.TV, CARS.TV, ES.TV, MYDESTINATION.TV, and JUSTICE CENTRAL.TV. The company also produces, distributes, and sells advertising for 41 television programs, MAKING IT one of the largest independent producers/distributors of first-run Syndicated television programming for broadcast television stations. With a library of over 5,000 hours of owned content across multiple genres, Entertainment Studios provides video content to broadcast television stations, cable television networks, mobile devices, multimedia platforms, and the World Wide Web. Our mission is to provide excellent programming to our viewers, online users, and Fortune 500 advertising partners.

Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures is a full-service, theatrical motion picture distribution company specializing in wide release commercial content. ESMP released 2017's highest-grossing independent movie, the shark thriller 47 METERS DOWN, which grossed over $44.3 million. In 2018, ESMP also released the critically-acclaimed and commercially successful Western HOSTILES and the historic mystery-thriller CHAPPAQUIDDICK. Upcoming releases include the Keanu Reeves sci-fi thriller REPLICAS, the John Krasinski/Emily Blunt-starring animated feature ANIMAL CRACKERS, and Joe Carnahan's Mel Gibson/Naomi Watts starring action-thriller BOSS LEVEL. The digital distribution unit of Entertainment Studios, Freestyle Digital Media, is a premiere multi-platform distributor with direct partnerships across all major cable, digital and streaming platforms. Capitalizing on a robust infrastructure, proven track record and a veteran sales team, Freestyle Digital Media is a true home for independent films. Recent releases include DEMON HOUSE directed by Zak Bagans, BERNARD AND HUEY starring Jim Rash, David Koechner and Mae Whitman, and THE BACHELORS starring J.K. Simmons, Julie Delpy and Odeya Rush. Other recent Freestyle titles include the action-comedy BETTER START RUNNING starring Academy Award-winner Jeremy Irons and Maria Bello, the award winning documentary HONDROS produced by Jamie Lee Curtis and Jake Gyllenhaal, sci-fi thriller THE RECALL starring Wesley Snipes, MILES starring Molly Shannon and Paul Reiser, horror documentary DEMON HOUSE starring Zak Bagans, host of Travel Channel's highest rated show Ghost Adventures, the animated feature HELL & BACK starring Nick Swardson, Mila Kunis and Bob Odenkirk, and THE GIRL IN THE BOOK with Emily VanCamp and Michael Nyqvist.


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