Black Diamond Pictures is starting production on its next feature film titled My Brother's Keeper. The film is a psychological horror film based on true events. The story centers around a white collar insurance executive who serves host to an overly possessive spirit. When the host attempts to exorcise the spirit it threatens the hosts livelihood and well-being.
My Brother's Keeper is the second film being produced through Black Diamond Pictures. The story was written by Gregory Sherad Martin, and the film will mark his directorial debut. Earlier in the year Black Diamond Pictures introduced its short film, Marked Man at San Diego Black Film Festival, directed by Chris Emmons, written and produced by Gregory Sherad Martin and starring Jaiden Kaine.The filmmakers have started a crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo for the new project to raise $50,000 toward the production of the film. The money raised will contribute toward setting up the film, casting and equipment rentals. In exchange for contributions the filmmakersVideos