Ian Cooke will release the long-awaited animated short film for his epic love story "Cassowary & Fruit Bat" at the SIE Film Center in Denver, Colorado on October 10th, 2013. The film premiered at Red Rocks this summer during Film on the Rocks.
Directed by local animator Adam Singer, the video has been in progress for over two years. The story revolves around a flying mammal's attempts to win the heart of a flightless bird. Singer and Cooke built elements for the video out of organic materials, then photographed and added the elements for the final 6-minute-long animated final product.
The short film is part of a larger package including a picture book, an album, and a impressive collection of music videos, live footage, and documentaries. The package was produced by Ian O'Dougherty and will be released by Greater Than Collective.
After the live set: drinks, mingling, partying, and fun in Henderson Lounge, inside the theater. Elements and props from the video will be on display and for silent auction, as well as the book/CD/DVD, records, CDs, shirts, and more.
Cooke was recently chosen by a panel of music industry experts to receive the IMTour grant, which helps Colorado musicians get on the road. He played to a sold out crowd in Seattle recently at Fremont Abbey.