The Fox Theatre has added three movies to the 2013 Coca-Cola Summer Film Festival line up: the current summer blockbuster Iron Man 3, the action comedy The Heat and the zombie comedy film Zombieland, which was filmed in Georgia and is being presented in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Economic Development.
In addition to seeing a movie on the biggest screen in Atlanta, the Coca-Cola Summer Film Festival offers a magical pre-show experience that includes a sing-along with the Mighty Mo organ and a vintage cartoon.
Tickets are available now at the Fox Theatre Ticket Office and may be purchased online by visiting or by calling 855-ATL-TIXX. All tickets are general admission. Adult tickets are $10 and kids under 12 and seniors (ages 65 and up) are only $5. All tickets for the Saturday morning cartoons are $5. All children are welcome to come in their pajamas! Special $5 parking will be offered in select Lanier lots around the Fox Theatre, while spaces are available. For additional information on the movies or parking, visit