Invisible City, a new original series from Brazil marking the debut of Carlos Saldanha on Netflix, began production with Prodigo Films in Sao Paulo, Ubatuba and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Oscar-nominated Saldanha is the creator and executive producer of the show, which is his first live-action series and will take Brazilian folklore stories to the world under a contemporary perspective.
Actor Marco Pigossi (Tidelands, Onde Nascem Os Fortes, A Força do Querer) stars as a detective from the Environmental Police Station. After finding a strange dead animal on a beach in Rio de Janeiro, the policeman engages in a secret murder investigation and finds himself in the middle of a battle between two worlds - ours, as we know it, and another inhabited by mythical entities, invisible to humans.
In the role of Ines, the owner of a nightclub with more to it than meets the eye, Alessandra Negrini (Mulheres Alteradas, Orgulho e Paixão, Boogie Oogie) also forms part of the main cast.
Invisible City is produced by Beto Gauss (Prodigo Films) and Francesco Civita (Prodigo Films) for Netflix, with Caito Ortiz (Prodigo Films), Maresa Pullman (BottleCap Productions) and Marco Anton (Boipeba Filmes) also as executive producers. Mirna Nogueira is the head writer. The series is directed by Julia Jordan, with general direction by Luis Carone, and will launch globally in 2020, only on Netflix.