General entertainment television network insp once again has set new records for ratings, this time for the month of November. Among all networks measured by Nielsen, in November insp ranked 37th overall in 24/7 ratings, up 4.5% over the network's October ratings, and 2nd in Year-Over-Year Growth, up 40% over November 2016. The announcement was made by Dale Ardizzone, insp COO.
Ardizzone noted that these ratings continue INSP's growth trajectory. "Q3 was the highest-rated quarter in our history, and based on numbers to date, Q4 will be even higher. Through November, our average commercial content HH ratings in Q4 are up 33% over Q4 2016. For the quarter, ratings are up more than 50% in some time periods (compared with the first six months of the year)." Ardizzone commented, "These increases demonstrate that insp has solidified its place as one of the cornerstone networks in viewer popularity - which in turn makes insp unequivocally one of the best bargains in cable. At a time when many other networks are struggling with the impact of cord-cutting, insp continues to experience growth. We have become a consistent destination choice for millions of Americans by creating a niche that resonates with a wide audience. Our acquisitions strategy along with our growing library of original content is building on INSP's strong foundation."Videos