Deadline reports that The BBC, Smithsonian Channel, and others have collaborated on a major documentary series about the origins of Brexit.
The three-part series, Inside Europe: 10 Years Of Turmoil, comes from Brook Lapping Productions and is produced by Norma Percy, the filmmaker behind the Inside The Obama White House doc series.
The series will look at how we got to the current political crisis in the UK. It will air on BBC Two on Monday, January 28 and later this spring on Smithsonian.
Earlier this week, Theresa May lost a major vote in Parliament for her Brexit plan; the Prime Minister subsequently survived a vote of no-confidence and will publish a new Brexit plan on January 21 that will be debated and voted on January 29. This comes as the UK is due to leave the European Union on March 29.
The series aims to show viewers in Europe - and around the world - how leaders worked tirelessly during some of the biggest crises that Europe has faced over the course of three hour-long episodes.
It will open the lid on the fierce arguments and clashes of personalities between Europe's leaders, as they struggled with crises which could have torn the union apart, and how David Cameron promised a referendum, and his attempts to get a new deal on immigration from Europe in order to win it.
Read the original story on Deadline.