IN NO GREAT HURRY is a funny, intimate and moving film, following photographer Saul Leiter as he deals with the triple burden of cleaning an apartment full of memories, becoming world famous in his 80's and fending off a pesky filmmaker. Director Tomas Leach's poignant debut premiered at DOCNYC and will open at the Film Society of Lincoln Center exclusively on Friday, January 3, 2014 for one week only.
Together with contemporaries Diane Arbus and Robert Frank, Saul Leiter is recognized as one of the founders of The New York School of photography of the 1940's and '50's. He could have been lauded as the great pioneer of color photography, but instead he preferred to drink coffee and photograph in his own way, amassing an archive of beautiful work that is now piled high in his New York apartment. Though initially reticent, the self-effacing, and occasionally cantankerous Leiter, welcomes director Tomas Leach into his realm, offering a moving reflection on his life, art and work. Shortly following the NY premiere of the film in November 2013, Saul Leiter passed away.Videos