The Sun Valley Center for the Arts and The Magic Lantern Cinemas will launch a new film series with 2013 Academy Award nominated animated shorts and live action shorts at The Magic Lantern Cinemas on Thursday, February 21 at 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Following the 7pm screening join us for a reception with wine courtesy of Sun Valley Center for the Arts.
Animated shorts will screen at 4:30 p.m. and feature:
· Head Over Heels (UK)Featured during the 7 p.m. screening of the Live Action Nominated Films will be:
· Asad (South Africa)Avid filmgoers can enjoy a new and different cinema experience. "Exchanging hats," so to speak, as The Magic Lantern Goes "LIVE" will be presenting HD presentations of major theatrical events, opera and symphony productions, and on select Thursdays in March, April and May, The Center will present cutting-edge independent dramatic and documentary films.
Make Thursday evenings a movie night and experience the power of cinema. Tickets for these special screenings will be $10 for Center members and $12 for non-members. Tickets will be available at The Magic Lantern Cinemas.