Tonight on American Idol, the judges used their one save of the season and we witnessed the return of two alumni - Jennifer Hudson, with special guest Ne-Yo, and last year's James Durbin. Who did they save? Find out now!
Idol kicks things off with fan some mail. Colton gets invited to a prom (you can tell by his reaction that he's definitely staying as far away as possible), Hollie gets invited to a dance too (she looks as nervous as ever) and Elise brings a feather extension for Steven's hair (which, coincidentally, is half pulled back tonight and still somehow manages to look even more like an actual bird's nest).
First to get results are Hollie and Jessica, who both sounded like they were straining last night. Ryan's doing that thing where he makes them split up into two groups, and I'd bet that he's going to make someone choose which group they think is the top and which is the bottom three. No one ever picks - you'd think the producers would've learned after five years that all it does is add an extra 30 seconds to the show.
Next to hit the stage is last year's Idol contestant James Durbin. Remember James? I didn't either. I Googled him to see what he's been up to since leaving (apart from bleaching his hair, of course). His website boasts: "200,000 Facebook Likes!!!" It's more than a lot of singers get, I suppose, but I don't think that should be the first thing that pops up when you look up his name. I was so busy Googling, actually, that I missed much of the song...but what I did hear was a weird hybrid of heavy metal and sappy ballad. So I guess you could say that I'm not really a fan, but he announces that he's sold 100,000 records - good for him.
Ryan then splits up Elise and Phillip, sending Elise with Jessica and Phillip with Hollie.
One of the most memorable Idol alums, Jennifer Hudson, hits the stage with Ne-Yo for their new song "Think Like a Man." In what seems like one of the few times on the show, it actually does sound like the single, but then again I can't remember when Jennifer ever sounded bad.
Joshua is sent with Jessica and Elise, Colton is sent with Phillip and Hollie, and Skylar is the one that they're going to force to choose which group she thinks is safe. Of course she doesn't - she flat out refuses right away, which I love - but Ryan sends her to the couch with Phillip, Hollie and Colton.
Steven takes away Ryan's carefully built dramatic tension by announcing that they're going to use the save no matter who it is. Poor Ryan, he tries so very hard. Jessica gets the lowest number of votes, and J-Lo screams that they're using the save. I'm glad - I still think that Jessica can have a really good night one of these weeks - but with the judges storming the stage and all of the contestants looking scared and confused, it's one of the most chaotic endings ot the show that we've seen in awhile.
What do you think? Did the judges make the right choice using their save?