Controversial Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt says the magazine that made him infamous won't be around for much longer in an interview with Erin Moriarty for CBS SUNDAY MORNING WITH CHARLES OSGOOD to be broadcast today, Jan. 19, 2014 (9:00 AM ET) on the CBS Television Network.
"I don't think Hustler will exist another two or three years from now," Flynt tells Moriarty. Circulation has gone from three million a month in the magazine's heyday to about 100,000 now, he says. Flynt tells Moriarty it won't be difficult to end the print run because technology has made adult content available everywhere and that so many others in the business mistakenly fall in love with their product and hang on too long. "You can't do that," he tells Moriarty. "You know, I treat Hustler the same way as I would if it was a jar of peanut butter or a can of green beans. You know, it's a product and when you're not making money, you got to move on."Follow CBS Sunday Morning on Twitter and Facebook.