Showbiz411's reveals exclusively that a rumored film adaptation of Netflix's Arrested Development will be moving forward. Creator Mitch Hurwitz shared with the site's Roger Friedman at last night's Governor's Ball that 'Mad Men' star John Slattery will be appearing in more upcoming episodes of the series as well as in the movie.
The actor will portray Dr. Norman, the character he has played in three episodes of the current season of the comedy. As far as who else may make an appearance in the project, Hurwitz shared, "Anyone! I'd like everyone."
The series was recently revived with 15 new episodes, which became available concurrently on Netflix. According to Hurwitz, the response has been tremendous. "And to think the ratings that cancelled it were like 7 million," Hurwitz told Showbiz 411's Roger Friedman of Fox's cancellation of the show. "Now everyone would kill for that number."