Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the question for anyone considering a run for the White House is not whether they'll run or win, but rather what they see ahead for the country, she tells Jane Pauley in an interview for CBS SUNDAY MORNING WITH CHARLES OSGOOD, to be broadcast Sunday, June 15 (9:00-10:30 AM, ET) on the CBS Television Network.
Clinton, who entered the 2008 race to be the Democratic nominee, is widely considered a contender for the 2016 race.
The questions to consider are "what is your vision for America?" Clinton tells Pauley. "And can you lead us there? And if you don't have a clear-eyed sense of what it's (going to) take to restore our strength and our fairness, our justice - and what we're (going to) do in this increasingly complex, interconnected world, you shouldn't run."
Clinton has been peppered with questions about a run for the White House while touring to promote her new book, Hard Choices, published by Simon & Schuster, a division of CBS. She talked about that experience and more with Pauley while attending a class reunion at Wellesley College.
"It's not a contest, you know, (about) who looks good, and who can have a quick answer, and all the rest, who can get the most outside money," Clinton says of the race for president. "We don't have time for that right now."
Looking back on the 2008 race, Clinton tells Pauley that she learned a deep lesson about a campaign. "Whoever runs has to recognize that the American political system is probably the most difficult, even brutal, in the world."
Clinton also talks with Pauley about her headline-making commencement speech at Wellesley College in 1969, her experiences as secretary of state, and the recent prisoner swap to get Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl back after five years in captivity.
Pauley also talks with some of Clinton's Wellesley classmates.
"My parents said to me, 'If there was ever going to be a woman president, it's (going to) be Hillary Rodham,'" Wendy Judge Paulson tells Pauley about a conversation she had in 1969.
CBS SUNDAY MORNING is broadcast Sundays (9:00-10:30 AM, ET) on the CBS Television Network. Rand Morrison is the executive producer.