TV Star and lead expert of the hit cable television show "Hoarders," Cory Chalmers, will be making a special guest appearance at his newest Steri-Clean franchise. This franchise owned by Gary Hofer and Tony Moser is hosting the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce for a ribbon cutting on Friday October 17 from Noon - 4 p.m. and is inviting the public to its grand opening / open house on Saturday Oct. 18 from Noon - 4 p.m.
Cory Chalmers is available for press or media interviews by calling 1-800-462-7337 extension 111. Steri-Clean Inc. offers franchises with two divisions; a hoarding remediation division called Steri-Clean (, and a Bio-Hazard clean-up division called Crime-Scene Steri-Clean (
For more information on Steri-Clean, Inc. please visit .Videos