Recognizing the impact and importance that Hip Hop has had on the American musical scene and the world at large for the past 40 years, brand management company Tranquil Water NY, Inc. presents the groundbreaking docu-series, Hip Hop: HTE (History. Transition. Evolution.) Approaching Hip Hop's 40th birthday - marked by a legendary party held by DJ Kool Herc on August 11, 1973 - Hip Hop: HTE host, Ramon "Rik" Singley, will interview icons from all facets of the industry on the origins, commercialization and future of Hip Hop music and culture. Hip Hop: HTE will air during 12 scheduled prime time broadcasts on Tranquil Water NY, Inc.'s upcoming online media site: GoBe.TV. The airing of the first show will coincide with the launch of GoBe.TV, commencing on Hip Hop's 40th anniversary. Online fundraising forHip Hop: HTE will begin on the crowd-funding platform on May 1, 2013.
For more information, visit, or follow @HipHopHTE.