HBO Max has ordered eight episodes of The Event, an unscripted documentary series. Viewers will be given an unprecedented look behind the scenes of the extraordinary events created by Wolfgang Puck Catering and legendary restaurateur Wolfgang Puck. From Renegade 83, each one-hour episode will follow various members of Puck's team as they strive to amaze clients and surpass even the highest expectations. With events like the Academy Awards® Oscars Party to the 10,000 guest Adobe MAXBash under their belts, the sky's the limit for this impressive team.
"Wolfgang is one of the most accomplished chefs of our time and for decades has been the go-to restaurateur and caterer for the biggest names and events in Hollywood and across the country," said Kevin Reilly, chief content officer HBO Max, president TNT, TBS, and TruTV. "This series will usher viewers into a world of opulence and luxury and showcase the unpredictable challenges he and his team encounter while executing the biggest and most exclusive A-list events we all wish we were invited to."Videos