The eight-episode HBO Europe drama series WASTELAND (originally released as "Pustina" in the Czech Republic) will air in full on HBO Signature on SATURDAY, DEC. 2 (1:00-8:50 p.m. ET/PT).
Set in the scarred landscape of northern Bohemia in the modern-day Czech Republic, WASTELAND (winner of the Czech Lion for Best Drama Series in 2016) blends social realism, intense psychological drama and a gripping mystery in which members of a close-knit, multi-generational village community are impacted by a life-changing event.
WASTELAND joins five other internationally produced series from HBO Europe, HBO Latin America and HBO Asia that will be made available to subscribers on the HBO U.S. service. The Taiwanese series THE TEENAGE PSYCHIC; seasons 1 and 2 of Indonesian-Thai series HALFWORLDS; seasons 1 and 2 of the Brazilian series EL HIPNOTIZADOR; the Brazilian series LA VIDA SECRETA DE LAS PAREJAS; seasons 1 and 2 of the Polish series PAKT; and WASTELAND will all arrive in their entirety on the U.S. streaming services HBO GO and HBO NOW, as well as HBO On Demand, on FRIDAY, DEC. 1