The new groundbreaking documentary film, KANGAROO: A Love-Hate Story opens this Friday, February 9 at The Park Theatre's River Street Theatre in Jaffrey. KANGAROO: A Love-Hate Story reveals the truth surrounding Australia's love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. The kangaroo 'image' is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and tourist souvenirs, yet as they hop across the vast continent they are often considered pests to be shot and sold for profit. KANGAROO unpacks a national paradigm where the relationship with kangaroos is examined.
The film is produced, written, directed and shot by the multi award-winning team of Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre (Yogawoman, Aussie Rules The World).
Juliet Gellatley, Founder and Director of VIVA! (global vegan foundation that promotes end to all animal suffering) calls the documentary, "Utterly compelling, intellectually rigorous, persuasive, emotional and beautifully filmed. Just brilliant."
Showtimes are Friday, Saturday & Sunday, February 9-11, all at 7pm. Matinee presentation at 2pm on Saturday, February 10.
Tickets for KANGAROO: A Love-Hate Story (Unrated but intense visuals) are $8.00. Seniors, military, students, TEACHERS are $7.00. More program and schedule information, as well as ticket purchases, can be found at or by calling the RST Box Office (603) 532-8888. The after-hours box office can be reached by calling OvationTix at (866) 811-4111.
The River Street Theatre is located in downtown Jaffrey, New Hampshire at 6 River Street. The River Street Theatre is sponsored by Grove Street Fiduciary, Coca-Cola, the Board of Trustees of the Park Theatre, Janet S. Grant, Betty Locke, Owen Houghton and the James F. & Fernande Kelly Charitable Trust.