Following a successful weeklong run at Lincoln Center, the acclaimed documentary The Girls in the Band is coming to New York's Quad Cinema for a two-week run beginning May 24. Written, directed and produced by Judy Chaikin and produced and executive produced by Michael Greene, the film tells the stories of female jazz and big band instrumentalists from the 1920s to the present day and chronicles their inspired journeys and struggles for recognition. To celebrate the film's Lincoln Center premiere, Mayor Bloomberg declared May 10 "Women in Jazz Day." Tickets for the Quad Cinema screenings will be available here. The film will also play for one week in Los Angeles at the Laemmle Noho 7 beginning June 4. Screening times and tickets for the Los Angeles run are available at here.
Combining archival footage and interviews with musicians including drummer Viola Smith, saxophonists Roz Cron, bassist Carline Ray and trumpeter Clora Bryant, Chaikin explores how even in the face of extreme prejudice, sexism and racism these women helped shape the history of American music and bravely challenged the racial barriers that prevenTEd White and black musicians from working together. The film also reveals how female jazz musicians of today, including Maria Schneider, Anat Cohen, Sherrie Maricle and Esperanza Spalding, are continuing to build upon the talent and courage of their predecessors.Videos