The Fantastic Four may soon be teaming up with The X-Men.
Comic writer and reigning 'overseer' of Fox's Marvel films, Mark Millar, recently sat down with SFX to talk about the upcoming FANTASTIC FOUR reboot - and confirmed that a crossover between the two super groups was imminent.
"Without question I think you have to see some of these guys showing up in each other's movies," he told the publication. "I think the most exciting thing in superhero movies, until The Avengers came along, was when Nick Fury showed up in Iron Man. Even though it was a guy with an eye patch it was really cool - and I expect we will see more of that."
The Fantastic Four are long-time hot Marvel commodities. FOX has developed two films based upon them, including 2005's FANTASTIC FOUR and 2007's FANTASTIC 4: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER. The films starred Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, and Michael Chicklis.
Millar, however, admits that the "first two movies were not very good," but a successful reboot, he says, may come down to landing the right director. In this case, Josh Trank.
Millar said, "It sounds obvious and it is. Sam Raimi gave us a great Spider-Man. Christopher Nolan gave us a great Batman. So a brilliant director is probably the most important thing for a great Fantastic Four. Tim Story was seen as an odd choice for Fantastic Four but when you have a Josh Trank you know you are in safe hands."
Click here for the posted excerpt of SFX's interview with Millar. The full Q&A will be featured in this week's edition of the magazine, hitting shelves on Wednesday.
Sources have also confirmed that the reboot is approaching the Fantastic Four in a more grounded way, taking the route of Nolan's BATMAN films. The impending reboot is also said to explore the mythology and lore of the acclaimed comic series.
As of now, the film is set for a Spring 2015 release.
Photo Courtesy of Marvel