MartinJon Productions has announced the successful release of season 1 of the new comedic web series "Our Cultural Center." The series' premiere episode launched on October 21st. Successive episodes have been released every other day and will continue through November 8th. The series will then move to a weekly schedule. Audiences can expect a new episode every Friday.
Based in Chicago, "Our Cultural Center" seeks to bring awareness and appreciation of the Arts and the Arts community to a mainstream audience through the lives of the characters who work at a family-owned arts center that has lost its funding, and must adjust when a profit-driven director takes over the business. Besides funding issues, the characters' personal lives often overtake the business operations of the center, particularly when the founder's ex-husband becomes the center's new director in the series premiere.Prior to its debut, "Our Cultural Center" received multiple endorsements on a variety of media platforms. MartinJon Productions looks forward to the series gaining more critical acclaim as audiences get more engaged with the characters as their personalities and issues develop. MartinJon Productions also hopes to increase interest in and attention to Chicago's rich arts community by featuring local artists throughout the series.Videos