According to the, FIFTY SHADES OF GREY secured the biggest non-3D opening in Russia, as well as the biggest start for a film with an 18+ or 16+ age restriction and biggest Universal opening in Russia.
The erotic thriller opened in Russia on 1,100 screens on Feb. 12 and grossed $10.7 million (705.2 million rubles) during the opening weekend, according to data provided by the local trade journal Exhibitor's Bulletin.
Pirates of the Caribbean's fourth installment, released in 2014, still holds the opening weekend record for all movies in Russia, with a gross of $11.9 million (749.1 million rubles).
Meanwhile, the Russian release of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY did not avoid controversy. The movie was pulled from theaters in the predominantly Muslim North Caucasian region following protests from public and religious leaders who claimed the movie contradicted the region's "mentality and religion."
Similar calls from Orthodox Christian activists in neighboring Krasnodar Krai to ban the film remained unheard, but local authorities sent out a letter to exhibitors, calling on them to make sure that the age restriction is thoroughly observed and recommending that the film be only shown late at night.