According to The Hollywood Reporter, FX has moved forward and ordered the pilot of a comedy series set to star rapper/comedian Lil Dicky. The new series comes from Jeff Schaffer, Kevin Hart and Scooter Braun.
The series centers on Dave Burd's (Lil Dicky) character who is in his late 20s and is convinced that he is the greatest rapper of all time. Now he just must convince those around him of it as well. Greg Mottola is set to direct the pilot, written by Burd. Read more about the news from The Hollywood Reporter here!
FX is the flagship general entertainment basic cable channel of FX Networks, a business unit of 21 Century Fox. The channel features critically-acclaimed and award-winning hit series The Americans, The Strain, American Horror Story, FARGO and AMERICAN CRIME Story. Acclaimed hit comedy series include award-winning Louie, Archer, Baskets, BETTER THINGS and Atlanta.