FOX News Channel (FNC) will launch "Scandalous," a historical documentary style series that focuses on key events and scandals in the nation's history. The inaugural season will chronicle the sequence of events that enveloped Washington and ultimately led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton during the 1990's.
The first installment of the series will debut on Sunday, January 21st and will examine the investigations of then-President Bill Clinton by the Office of the Independent Counsel. Episodes will feature interviews with more than 45 people who were involved on both sides of the investigation and subsequent impeachment trial, to get an honest and detailed account of one the most intense political and legal stories in American history.
The one-hour program will be presented for seven consecutive weeks in the 8PM/ET Sunday evening timeslot.
"Scandalous" premieres on FOX NEWS channel on Sunday, January 21st at 8PM/ET.