ros International Media Ltd (Eros International), a leading global film company in the Indian film entertainment industry, has announced a four-film co-production deal with leading production house, Drishyam Films. Drishyam has over the years made a mark by producing content driven films that have received worldwide acclaim including Masaan, Rukh, Kadvi Hawa and India's entry to the Oscars in the Foreign Film category this year, the highly celebrated Newton. In 2018, Eros and Drishyam will jointly produce four films to pave way for presenting a new wave of cinema that the companies have come to stand for.
About Eros International Media Ltd Eros International Media Ltd. (BSE Script Code: 533261; NSE Script Code: EROSMEDIA) is a leading global company in the Indian film entertainment industry that acquires, co-produces and distributes Indian films across all available formats such as cinema, television and digital new media. Eros International is part of Eros International Plc, which became the first Indian media Company to raise capital and be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Eros International has experience of over three decades in establishing a global platform for Indian cinema. The company has a competitive advantage through its extensive and growing movie library comprising of over 2,000 films, which include Hindi, Tamil, and other regional language films. Eros International has built a dynamic business model by combining the release of new films every year with the exploitation of its film library. For more information please visit:
About Drishyam Films A company born out of love for cinema, Drishyam Films aims to build a platform for unique voices of Indian independent cinema and create global content with rich Indian flavours. Our filmmaking journey started with the award-winning film Ankhon Dekhi directed by Rajat Kapoor. Its success was followed by Umrika directed by Prashant Nair, which premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2015 and BAGGED the Audience Choice Award. Soon after, Dhanak directed by Nagesh Kukunoor won the Grand Jury prize at Berlinale 2015, and Masaan directed by Neeraj Ghaywan picked up two big awards at Cannes 2015. Waiting directed by Anu Menon, premiered at the prestigious Dubai International Film Festival 2015.
Their biggest hit this year is the critically and commercially acclaimed Newton directed by Amit Masurkar, starring Rajkummar Rao which was also selected as India's entry to the Oscars 2018. It premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival winning the CICAE Art Cinema Award followed by the Hong Kong International Film Festival where it won the Jury Prize for Best film. The film also had its North American premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. The success of Newton was followed by Atanu Mukherjee's Rukh, starring Manoj Bajpayee and Adarsh Gourav in the lead roles. Their latest film Kadvi Hawa is by National Award Winning director Nila Madhab Panda. It won the Special Mention at National Awards this year and is the only Indian film on climate change.
They have an array of films in production, including Kamyaab to be directed by National Award-winning director Hardik Mehta, starring Sanjay Mishra and Deepak Dobriyal in the lead roles. For more information please visit: