Missing Bolts Productions and the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival presents the world-premiere of CAVAN a short film directed by Dave Solomon (associate director of Tootsie: the musical), featuring Erin Wilhelmi (To Kill a Mockingbird); Blair Baker (The Humans, currently The Play That Goes Wrong 1st national tour) and Tony-nominee Lucas Steele (Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812; The Kid)
Cavan written by playwright and screenwriter Zac Kline tells the story of a Mary, a woman struggling to move forward from a traumatic life eclipsing event. She and her husband return to their family's beach house to restart their lives, only to find the ghosts of an unresolved past are still unexpectedly present.
The film also features cinematography by Charlotte Dupré, production design by Shoko Kambara (Geva Theatre, Portland Stage, Syracuse Stage) and music by Lucas Steele.
CAVAN will premiere at the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival Tuesday June 4, 9 pm.
Missing Bolts Production is a production company devoted to new work for stage and film. Past productions have included AFTER ORLANDO: an international response to the shooting at Pulse Nightclub, which was presented in New York in association with Daryl Roth at the DR2 Theatre.
In additional to his work on Tootsie: the musical, Dave Solomon is a playwright, theatre director and award-winning film director, who also assisted Bill Condon on the films Mr. Holmes and Beauty and the Beast, and will be directing the forthcoming stage production of Pump up the Volume at the Pittsburgh Playhouse (Spring 2019.)
For more information and trailer please visit:
https://www.theartofbrooklyn.org/ www.cavanfilm.com www.missingbolts.org
Photograph by Suzanne Fiore