The producers of Enterprises TV are proud to announce the launch of a new series on nutritional advances in medicine and health.
The rapid rise in obesity and related diseases has brought to light the life-threatening consequences of a poor diet, motivating many to consume more nutritious meals. As a result, the sale of fruits and vegetables is on the rise, inspiring an industry of organically-grown food and free-range farms. What's even more exciting are the scientific advances in making food even more nutritious. As our understanding of vitamins and nutrients expands, so does the availability of supplements and nutraceuticals, hybrid fruits and vegetables, and genetically-engineered drinks and food-all for the betterment of our minds and bodies.
Enterprises TV is an American television show hosted by celebrity athlete and television personality, Terry Bradshaw. It features interviews with CEOs and industry professionals from across North America and throughout the world. The show specializes in creating intriguing stories including individual company profiles and features on important new advances in the world. For all the latest, visit Enterprises on Facebook.
The program will broadcast in the US and Canada through a combination of FOX and ABC Broadcast Stations, Discovery Channel Transponder©, Regional News Networks, Business News Network Canada©, Fox News Channel©, and Bloomberg TV©. The show is headquartered in South Florida and films on location throughout the United States and around the globe. Join Enterprises on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or visit the website at for more information.