Locally produced sci-fi thriller, "Electric Nostalgia," has been selected for the 16th annual deadCENTER Film Festival. With over 30,000 attendees last year, deadCENTER is considered the largest film festival in Oklahoma. The festival screens world-class films and attracts attendees from across the globe. DeadCENTER includes a line up of feature films, short films, documentaries and more created by filmmakers from around the world.
"Electric Nostalgia" was written and directed by Jacob Leighton Burns and produced by Vinnie Hogan and Zachary Burns through the trio's production company Planet Thunder Productions in association with Freestyle Marketing + Films. Using an all Okie cast and crew, this Science fiction thriller tells the story of Alexis (Lauren Analla) whose unfamiliar dreams haunt her after she is brought back from the dead in a body that is not her own. The film also stars Stephen Goodman, Page Tudyk, J. Alan Davidson, Cait Brasel and Josh Bonzie.
"I've attended almost every deadCENTER for the last 10 years, and watching it grow exponentially every year has been inspiring," said director, Jacob Leighton Burns. "I'm very excited and honored for the opportunity to premiere 'Electric Nostalgia' at this year's festival. It's going to be an amazing experience."
The deadCENTER Film Festival takes place June 8-12, 2016, and all-access passes can be purchased online. All film screenings and events will take place in seven premier downtown Oklahoma City locations. Visit http://www.deadcenterfilm.org for more information.