Cartoon Network hosted Dwight Howard, starting center for the Atlanta Hawks, at Chuck E. Cheese's yesterday as part of their 7th annual Stop Bullying: Speak Up campaign. Aligning with National Bullying Prevention Month, Stop Bullying: Speak Up empowers young people to speak up against bullying safely and effectively.
Local school children from the greater Atlanta area, including members of Big Brothers Big Sisters and Hands on Atlanta, attended the event at Chuck E. Cheese's in Alpharetta, GA. Kids from ages 8-12 had the opportunity to interact one-on-one with Dwight Howard after listening to the NBA superstar stress the importance of being an active friend in bullying prevention. The Atlanta native also led the kids in taking the Stop Bullying: Speak Up pledge. Additionally, attendees were provided pizza, tokens for games and a Stop Bullying: Speak Up pledge certificate.
Cartoon Network and Chuck E. Cheese's partnership to encourage kids to take the Stop Bullying: Speak Up pledge continues throughout October. Families can bring signed pledges to their local Chuck E. Cheese's to receive 50 free tickets and can tune-in to
Cartoon Network for a special hour of programing every Saturday from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (ET/PT) thru the month of October. Please visit: Cartoon Network's Stop Bullying: Speak Up for more information on the annual campaign and to take the pledge.
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