Hosted by the beloved Mario Kreutzberger, better known as Don Francisco, Telemundo introduces the new entertainment show SIEMPRE NINOS, premiering Sunday, January 8th at 8pm/7c. In this new format designed for the entire family, viewers will enjoy, as never before, how kids take control of the screen and adults relive memories from their childhood. The show will feature entertaining segments, games and challenges, hilarious debates as young participants put their minds to solving adult problems, in addition to the presentation of kids with extraordinary talent, as well as guest artists sharing stories and antics of when they were little.
Mario Kreutzberger, better known as "Don Francisco," is an international media icon and the creator and host of "Sábado Gigante" (Giant Saturday), the longest running TV variety show in the world according to Guinness World Records, who has interviewed numerous world leaders during his more than 53-year long career. Currently, he is the host of TELEMUNDO's "Don Francisco Te Invita," which airs Sundays at 10pm/9c.
Born in Chile, Kreutzberger launched the show in 1962 on Chile's Canal 13, where it became an instant success that has lasted 53 years, broadcasting in over 42 countries throughout the United States, Latin America and Europe. Kreutzberger's impact has extended beyond the small screen, through his admirable contributions towards the welfare of children. Kreutzberger has received numerous industry recognitions from public and private institutions in the United States and Latin America. He has been inducted into the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame; honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; featured in the "Museum of Television and Radio" and received a special Emmy Award as "Leader of Spanish-Language Television."
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