Two interactive episodes of Disney Junior's popular series "Doc McStuffins" are now available as a brand new appisode on the Disney Junior Appisode app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch for $4.99.
Developed by Disney/ABC Television Group's Digital Media team, the Disney Junior Appisode app offers true interactive viewing, allowing fans 2-7 to touch, tap, swipe, tilt, shake and talk their way through various fun-filled activities embedded into full episodes of some of their favorite Disney Junior shows.
In "Rescue Ronda, Ready For Takeoff," Doc must diagnose and extract a twig from a toy helicopter's propellers. Key features that allow kids to fully engage with the episode include, among others:
- Tilting their device to fly Rescue Ronda
- Touching and dragging tools from Doc's medical bag to help make the diagnosis
- Using Doc's tweezers to help remove the twig
The second episode, "A Bad Case of the Pricklethorns," finds another of Doc's toy friends in a thorny situation. When blow-up toy Boppy springs a leak, Doc and her pals bandage him up and show him how to avoid it happening again. Kids play along by:
- Bobbing Boppy
- Tapping the screen to help Doc's toys "go stuffed"
- Guiding a band aid to cover Boppy's boo boo
- Among other activities
A hit worldwide, the original animated series "Doc McStuffins," about a little girl who can talk to and heal stuffed animals and toys out of her playhouse clinic, was 2012's #1 cable TV series in Kids 2-5.* "Doc McStuffins' airs daily on Disney Channel and Disney.
The Disney Junior Appisode app launched in April 2013 with "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - Mickey and Donald Have a Farm Appisode" and "Jake and the Never Land Pirates Appisode," which features "Hide the Hideout" and "Captain Hook's Hooks," both of which are available for $4.99. A free download of the original "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally Appisode" is included with the Disney Junior Appisode app download.
With the launch of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally Appisode" app last year, Disney Junior introduced an innovative new way for kids to enjoy their favorite shows. Well received by both fans and the industry, the app topped iTunes charts for weeks - making it to #1 on the Overall Free list - and won the 2012 Mobile Excellence Award for Best Content Extension Made for Mobile, as well as the iKids award for Best Web/App Series.
Over the past several years, the Disney/ABC Television Group has consistently launched innovative apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Most notably, WATCH ABC, WATCH Disney Channel, WATCH Disney Junior and WATCH Disney XD, all of which enable authenticated customers to access live streaming of linear channel feeds, as well as on demand episodes of popular shows. The group also recently launched "Doc McStuffins Time for Your Check Up" app, which lets kids use their device to help diagnose and treat Doc's toys.