Powered by a growing roster of original series live action and animated programming, most notably live action series "Lab Rats" and "Kickin' It" and animated series Marvel's "HULK and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.," and "Pac Man & the Ghostly Adventures," 3Q 2013 was Disney XD's 2nd-most-watched quarter in the network's history (includes its 10 years as Toon Disney, 52 total) among Boys 6-14 (157,000) and Boys 9-14 (108,000), 3rd-most-watched in Boys 6-11 (118,000) and 4th-most-watched quarter in Total Viewers (394,000), Kids 6-14 (238,000) and Tweens 9-14 (165,000) and Boys 2-11 (140,000).
On August 5, "Lab Rats" (8:30 - 9:30 p.m.) became Disney XD's #1 telecast of all time across all target kid demos: Kids 6-14 (1.26 million/3.5 rating), Boys 6-14 (784,000/4.3 rating), Kids 6-11 (948,000/4.0 rating), Boys 6-11 (573,000/4.8 rating), Tweens 9-14 (888,000/3.7 rating), Boys 9-14 (526,000/4.3 rating), Kids 2-11 (1.05 million/2.7 rating) and Boys 2-11 (644,000/3.2 rating).
Disney XD at least doubled NickToons in Tweens 9-14 (+104% - 165,000 vs. 81,000) and Boys 9-14 (+100% - 108,000 vs. 54,000), and out-delivered it by double-digits in Total Viewers (+47% - 394,000 vs. 268,000), Kids 6-14 (+79% - 238,000 vs. 133,000), Boys 6-14 (+73% - 157,000 vs. 91,000), Boys 6-11 (+64% - 118,000 vs. 72,000), Kids 2-11 (+51% - 220,000 vs. 146,000) and Boys 2-11 (+39% - 140,000 vs. 101,000).
Disney XD is a basic cable channel and multi-platform brand showcasing a compelling mix of live-action and animated programming for Kids age 6-14, hyper-targeting boys and their quest for discovery, accomplishment, sports, adventure and humor. Disney XD branded content spans television, online, mobile and VOD platforms. The programming includes series, movies and short-form, as well as sports-themed programming developed with ESPN. In the U.S., Disney XD is seen on a 24-hour, advertiser supported network that reaches over 80 million households via its basic cable and satellite affiliates.
Source: NTI, U.S. ratings, most current, 3Q 2013: 7/1/13-9/29/13.