Disney Television Animation will launch a series of shorts based on Big Hero 6, called The Baymax Dreams, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The shorts are set to debut September 15th on DisneyNOW and the Disney Channel Youtube account.
The shorts will run 2-3 minutes each and will be directed by Simon J. Smith. It features Baymax, dreaming of electric sheep, bedbugs and duplicates of himself.
Disney is working with Unity Technologies, making these shorts with Unity's real-time rendering technology traditionally used in the gaming industry.
"Working in Unity is like having every department at your fingertips," said Director Smith. "The results of Unity's parallel, non-linear workflow and real-time rendering meant we were able to make Baymax Dreams in half the time - allowing us to spend the other half on experimentation and the creative process."
Big Hero 6, which was named best animated film at the 2015 OSCARS and earned $657.8 million at the worldwide box office.
Read the original article on The Hollywood Reporter.