Production has begun on the animated series "Miles From Tomorrowland," a space adventure for preschoolers. Slated to debut in 2015 on Disney Junior channels and programming blocks around the world, the series follows the outer space voyages of young adventurer Miles and his family. The announcement was made today by Nancy Kanter, Senior Vice President, Original Programming and General Manager, Disney Junior Worldwide.
Kanter said, "We hope this series will influence a child's interest in science and technology by introducing them at an early age to the exciting world of space exploration, how things work and what lies beyond the here and now."
Set in outer space, the series charts the missions of the Callisto family - 7-year-old Miles, big sister Loretta and their scientist parents Phoebe and Leo, who work for the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. Each episode features two 11-minute adventure-filled stories as Miles and his family explore strange new worlds, taking young viewers and their families on a journey that fuels kids' natural interest in the universe, and at the same time reminding them that what matters most is what lies closer to home - the family bond.
"Miles From Tomorrowland" is a production of Wild Canary in association with Disney Junior. Emmy-nominated Sascha Paladino ("Henry Hugglemonster," "Ni Hao, Kai-lan") is creator and executive producer and Emmy-nominated Paul Demeyer ("Duckman," "Rugrats in Paris") is director.
Disney Junior reflects the emotional connection generations of consumers have to Disney storytelling and Disney characters, both classic and contemporary. It invites mom and dad to join their child in the Disney experience of magical, musical and heartfelt stories and characters, while incorporating specific learning and development themes designed for kids age 2-7. Disney Junior's series blend Disney's unparalleled storytelling and characters kids love deeply with learning, including early math, language skills, healthy eating and lifestyles, and social skills. In the U.S.,
Disney Junior launched in February 2011 with a daily programming block on
Disney Channel and added a 24-hour channel in March 2012. 2013 to-date,
Disney Junior series are the Top 4 cable TV series in Kids 2-5 and Total Viewers. There are 33
Disney Junior channels around the world.
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