Disney Channel has ordered "Star and the Forces of Evil" (Working Title), an animated comedy adventure about a fun-loving magical teen princess from another dimension who -- after a few bold skirmishes with other-worldly monsters -- is sent by her Royal Parents to live with the Diaz family on Earth. Eden Sher (ABC's "The Middle") provides The Voice of the lead character, Star Butterfly. Production has begun for a scheduled Fall 2014 premiere. The announcement was made today by Eric Coleman, Senior Vice President, Original Series, Disney Television Animation.
Artist and writer Daron Nefcy is the series creator and co-executive producer. She is a 2009 California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) graduate whose work has been showcased throughout the Los Angeles underground art community. Her television credits include recent work on Disney Channel's upcoming animated series, "Wander Over Yonder," and the Warner Bros. animated series "MAD." Emmy and Annie Award-winning director Dave Wasson ("The Buzz on Maggie," "Making Fiends") is co-executive producer and director, and Annie Award-winning writer Jordana Arkin ("Melissa and Joey," "Will & Grace") is co-executive producer and story editor.Videos