Discovery Channel announces today its order to development of the network's next scripted mini-series, UNTITLED William Wallace AND ROBERT THE BRUCE PROJECT (WT), based on Historical books by Nigel Tranter which includes The Wallace and The Bruce Trilogy. This mini-series brings to life Scottish patriots William Wallace and Robert Bruce and the Scottish unrest and turbulent times in 1296 after King Edward I of England invaded Scotland and imposEd English rule.
Edward I's Reign over Scotland was never peaceable and Scottish discontent was widespread. In 1297, the country erupted in an open revolt as national resistance developed into a war of independence during which William Wallace and Robert Bruce played leading roles. Wallace spearheaded Scotland's offensive against the English and his martyrdom paved the way for eventual success. Since his brutal death at the hands of the English in 1305, he has gained a worldwide iconic status and has been the subject of numerous literary works. Wallace was also the title character in the 1995 Academy Award winning film, Braveheart. Robert the Bruce, Scotland's "hero-king", was descended from Scots, Gaelic and English nobility. His grandfather, Robert Bruce 'The Competitor', was one of the claimants to the Scottish throne and Robert the Bruce fought tirelessly fought for Scotland's independence from England through the reigns of Edward I and Edward II.Videos