Starting on February 14, Discovery Familia welcomes EL PAYASO PLIM PLIM, a new animated series that follows the adventures of Plim Plim, a brave and generous boy with the characteristics of a clown, a hero and a magician. His enthusiasm shines through with his favorite phrase, "of course we can!" and he is always willing to lend his friends a helping hand, taking them to a world full of fun-filled adventures. EL PAYASO PLIM PLIM airs every day at 1:30 PM ET/ 10:30 AM PT.
Joining Plim Plim in his magical world is a group of fun and dynamic characters that live in a daycare. Among them are: Tuni, Plim Plim's transportation, fueled by children's joy; Wichiwichi Wichiwi, a little messenger bird; Arafa, a motherly giraffe and the teacher at the daycare, Acuarella, a cheerful rabbit with big dreams; Nesho, an intellectual elephant; and Hoggie, a grumpy but affectionate little pig. Through songs, games, and laughs, Plim Plim always helps his friends whenever they are faced with a situation that they cannot solve, becoming a true hero of the heart.
The series, which has already reached great popularity throughout Latin America and is airing in the U.S for the first time on Discovery Familia, is based on a simple concept: to learn while having a good time. The stories, narrated like fables, all end with a valuable lesson for the young viewers. Through example, the characters deliver positive messages, instill good manners and teach important human values like friendship, respect for diversity, responsibility, how to deal with conflict peacefully and loving our planet.
The network has also created on its web site a special section dedicated to EL PAYASO PLIM PLIM filled with interactive games, videos, songs and plenty of fun activities that will take children to the magical world of Plim Plim.
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About Discovery Familia
Part of Discovery Communications, Discovery Familia is the only Spanish language network completely dedicated to the Hispanic mom and what's important to her: her kids, her home and her well-being. With insightful programming targeted to children aged 2-6, the network's daily Discovery Kids block provides a safe, entertaining and curriculum-based co-viewing experience that helps preschoolers get ready for the real world. Each night, Discovery Familia is programmed for mom, spanning relevant topics from cooking and home improvement, to parenting and relationships, to beauty and health. With trusted content, entertaining programs and unmatched quality, Discovery Familia is a place that Hispanic moms and their children can call "home". For more information, visit or follow us on
Source: Discovery Familia