In a landmark television event, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Space Shuttle Commander Mark Kelly, will share their remarkable story for the first time since the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 2011.
Rep. Giffords' story of strength, hope and astounding resilience has captivated the nation over the past eight months. On the morning of January 8, she was hosting a 'Congress on Your Corner' meet-and-greet event for constituents in Tucson, Arizona when shots rang out. Six people were killed and many others were injured, including Rep. Giffords.
In a broadcast exclusive, Diane Sawyer chronicles Gabrielle Giffords' courageous, step-by-step journey to recover from her near fatal injury, with her husband by her side. The broadcast will also document the couple's courtship, marriage and their extraordinary careers in public service. The Diane Sawyer special will air on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
The broadcast will air in conjunction with the publication of Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope, a memoir by Congresswoman Giffords and Mark Kelly, co-written by Jeffrey Zaslow, Wall Street Journal columnist and co-author of The Last Lecture. The much-anticipated memoir is being published by Scribner on November 15, 2011. A portion of the authors' net proceeds will go to charities in Arizona.