It seems that the world of entertainment is becoming increasingly more fascinated with musicals and theatrical events. In fact, it almost seems sometimes as if Broadway has made its way to HD Cable, as there are more and more shows – American Idol, The X Factor, Dancing With The Stars, etc. – that feature singing and dancing as their main focuses. However, most of these shows are about competition and talent, rather than expressing a story through song. This is where Glee came into play, as the biggest and best musical drama on television, combining the music and dancing of popular reality shows with the drama of a high school sitcom. So, what's going on with this hit show these days?
The most recent episode aired on October 4th of this year and was titled "Asian F." The episode revolved around several members of the dance group, including Mike, Brittany, and Mercedes, auditioning for roles in the school's upcoming production of West Side Story. The most notable plot line within this idea was set around Mike, who defied his parents by putting dancing before schoolwork. In fact, the title of the episode actually referred to an A- he got on a test, which, to his father, represented a dangerous "Asian F" blow to his academic possibilities. The episode, overall, was viewed positively by fans, and featured a particularly noteworthy performance by Brittany. The fourth episode of this 3rd season of Glee is set to air on November 1st, and will apparently be called "Pot O'Gold." Not a whole lot is known about the episode just yet, though one could imagine that the West Side Story performance may continue to be a theme. Additionally, however, it has been revealed that a new character will arrive at McKinley High School, in the form of Irish exchange student Rory Flanagan. Rory will be hosted by Brittany's family, and it seems that this could open up a number of new plot lines. Most importantly, how will the addition of a new student (and in Brittany's home no less) affect the Glee club?Videos