GARAGE GOLD tracks the adventures of Kraig Bantle and the crew from his family business, Garage Brothers. They offer to clear cluttered, dysfunctional garages, attics and basements free of charge, but there is a catch.
The team keeps any valuables they find. For years, Kraig and the Garage Brothers crew have been carving out a living by uncovering buried treasure in overstuffed spaces, and selling it for a profit. Once the space is cleared, the team helps convert the newly-emptied space into a room the homeowners can enjoy.
GARAGE GOLD 101: Hit Pay Dirt
Series Premiere: Saturday, April 6 at 7 p.m. ET
Decades of outdated furniture and unusual artwork have piled up in an interior decorator's workspace, turning the garage into a landfill. Everything must go, and it's back-breaking work for the Garage Brothers, a team of organization specialists lead by host Kraig Bantle. When they dig into the garage, Frank and Peaches, the muscle of the team, uncover a cast iron tub, a couple of art-deco chairs, and a hand-painted rocking horse. The Garage Brothers' appraiser, Mike, must do some digging to find out if this garbage heap could be a gold mine.