"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" will travel to indicted Governor Rick Perry's home state to broadcast a week of shows covering the upcoming midterm elections. "Democalypse 2014: South by South Mess" will be taped at ZACH Theatre in Austin, TX and air nightly at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT from Monday, October 27 through Thursday, October 30.
ZACH Theatre is located at 202 South Lamar Blvd. Tickets for the tapings will be available only through the show's Web site, http://thedailyshow.cc.com/tickets, not through the venue's box office.
"Democalypse 2014: South by South Mess" will feature news and analysis on heated races across the country from host Jon Stewart as well as reports from "The Best F*&#ing News Team Ever!"
This marks the 11th time the series has taken its critically-acclaimed and award-winning "Indecision" coverage on the road to broadcast for a week, having previously travelled to Philadelphia (2000 RNC), Los Angeles (2000 DNC), Boston (2004 DNC), Denver (2008 DNC), Minneapolis (2008 RNC), Tampa (2012 RNC) and Charlotte (2012 DNC) to cover the national party conventions, to Washington, D.C. (2002), Columbus, OH (2006) and Washington, D.C. (2010) for special midterm election coverage. The series is a two-time Peabody Award recipient for its coverage of the now-infamous 2000 election and the 2004 election. "The Daily Show" is also a nineteen-time Emmy winner (including a record ten consecutive wins for Outstanding Variety Series).
Jon Stewart, Steve Bodow, Jen Flanz, Tim Greenberg, Jill Katz and Adam Lowitt are the Executive Producers of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" with Hillary Kun as Co-Executive Producer. Supervising Producers are Pam DePace, Justin Melkmann and Stuart Miller. Kahane Cooperman is Producer. The series' Head Writer is Elliott Kalan and it is directed by Chuck O'Neil.
"The Daily Show" airs Monday-Thursday at 11:00 p.m. and repeats at 1:00 a.m. the same night and at 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. the following day (all times ET/PT). Full episodes and clips are posted for viewing the following day at thedailyshow.cc.com with URL and embed links. Also, the Comedy Central App offers "Daily Show" fans who sign in via their cable or satellite provider, full episodes of the series including additional content and extended interviews the day after air. The Comedy Central app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is available for free on the App Store or at AppStore.com/cc. Follow or like "The Daily Show" on social media platforms Twitter and Facebook.
About ZACH Theatre:
ZACH creates intimate theatre that ignites the imagination, lifts the spirit, and engages our community. As Austin's leading professional producing theatre, ZACH employs more than 600 actors, musicians, and designers annually to create its own diverse array of nationally recognized plays and musicals under the leadership of Producing Artistic Director Dave Steakley and Managing Director Elisbeth Challener. Each year, ZACH serves nearly 115,000 Central Texans - 40,000 of which are children and youth who participate in our education and outreach programs, imaginative camps and classes. ZACH Theatre is honored to host private and community events across the beautiful rental-ready spaces on our three-stage campus located in the heart of Austin. Founded in 1932 and in its 82nd season, ZACH is the longest continuously running theatre company in the state of Texas, and one of the ten oldest in the country. Visit www.zachtheatre.org<http://www.zachtheatre.org/ for more information.
Connect with ZACH on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/zachtheatre, Twitter @ZACHtheatre http://www.twitter.com/zachtheatre, Instagramhttp://instagram.com/zachtheatre and Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/zachtheatre.
Available on-air, online and on-the-go, Comedy Central (www.cc.com) is the #1 brand in comedy and is owned by, and is a registered trademark of, Comedy Partners, a wholly-owned unit of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA and VIAB).