The show focuses on five twenty-somethings who become lost while on a road trip due to their navigator's alcohol-fueled gross negligence.
The critically acclaimed animated comedy television pilot, Daddydelphia, created by actor and producer Harold Eric, is now available for viewing on Prime Video in the United States and United Kingdom.
Daddydelphia, which was written, directed, and produced by Harold Eric (a former "Jimmy Awards" nominee known for appearances on SEARCH PARTY and Gotham), focuses on five twenty-somethings who become lost while on a road trip due to their navigator's alcohol-fueled gross negligence. As a result, they become relegated to life in a small, peculiar town filled with inhabitants who hold mysterious beliefs, strange traditions, and a determination to burn them at the stake.
The pilot episode, which was animated by Cameron and Finn Guy, and which features a cast of veteran actors and newcomers alike-including Alex Aldea (Blue Bloods, Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History), Sakyiwaa Baah (Black Clover, Dr. Stone), Evan Maltby (Pokémon, Only Human), Harold Eric (Search Party, Gotham), Arlene Gambino, Maxwell Levy, Halle Mastroberardino, Christopher Morucci, Briana Sky Riley, and Mijon Zulu-is now free to watch for a limited time.
Most recently, Daddydelphia began its festival run as it seeks to transition from independent pilot to series. In the past several months, the animated comedy has won over ten festivals, including the New York International Film Awards, Los Angeles Film Awards, New Jersey Film Awards, New York Independent Cinema Awards, and Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival. It has also been named an official selection by an additional thirty.
Thus, in the coming months, Daddydelphia will be screening at numerous virtual and in-person festivals, including the Lighthouse International Film Festival, PopCon International Film Festival, Roosevelt Island Film Festival, Marina del Ray Film Festival, and Manhattan Film Festival, among others.
Regarding this recent Amazon Prime Video listing and upcoming live festival appearances, Harold Eric commented, "We're thrilled to be showcasing this quirky animated world to new audiences. These days, everyone could use a laugh, and we wanted to make this show as accessible as possible."
To learn more about Daddydelphia, visit