"ReGeneration City," a documentary film about "urban acupuncture," will screen at The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County Saturday, October 11 at 3 p.m. A panel discussion will follow. Urban acupuncture is the practice of creating small urban projects that act as a catalyst to revive the city neighborhoods. The film highlights community engagement and the transformation of a small Italian town.
One of the highlights of the film features half of the art duo LeJobart (Beju and Muriente), who specialize in cross-disciplinary projects that include performances, installations and happenings. Sherryl Muriente, who demonstrates one of nine "interventions" in the film, is also an instructor at Florida Atlantic University's School of Urban and Regional Planning. Their local projects include: Cest la Via: Rethinking the Alleyways and Parklet Project, both in West Palm Beach. Artworks by Beju are currently on display in the Cultural Council's EXHIBITION space through October 18.
"The Cultural Council is very excited to screen this important film," said Nichole M. Hickey, the Council's manager of artist services. "'ReGeneration City' illustrates the concept of urban acupuncture through case studies that were presented at the International Society of Biourbanism summer school of 2013. It shows how specialists, artists and the community can come together to enhance daily life."
The panel discussion will consist Sherryl Muriente of LeJobart and Architect Angelo Gentili, moderated by Beju of LeJobart. Following the panel discussion the audience can engage in a Q&A session. Reservations are required as seating is limited.